This will vary from person to person
Make sure that ahead of the exam that you ensure that your theory is fully up to scratch (you need to be at the level of RYA Yachtmaster Theory) and put time in ensuring your close quarter boat handling is very good in any conditions. You should be able to put a RIB into almost any marina berth the examiner chooses either bow or stern first in any conditions. Practicing the various pilotage techniques, you will use day and night to ensure you are totally happy with their use is of course essential.
Charter of RIB for examination cost varies according to number of examinees. One person £210, Two persons £120 per head, Three persons £80 per head plus the RYA exam fee.
Royal Norfolk & Suffolk Yacht Club
The Royal Plain,
NR33 0AQ
For Powerboat or Shore based course enquiries please email our Chief Instructor: